Our Team:
In ESC Group Inc., we are very proud of our management and operational team. Our team has an experience of more than fifty (50) years combined in the field of security, research, education and Executive Protection.

Roberto Escobar Vargas
Founder & Director
Roberto Escobar Vargas, is a retired federal agent with more than forty (40) years of experience in the field of security and criminal investigation. Retired as the special agent in charge (Director) ICE / HSI in 2012 after a long career at the agency where he held various leadership positions, also worked as a field Special Agent, Deputy U.S. Marshal, Corrections Officer and as a Municipal Police Officer. Mr. Escobar Vargas holds a Bachelor Degree in Criminal Justice and is currently licensed as a private investigator. Mr. Escobar Vargas, has also worked together with other federal and local agencies like the U.S. Attorney’s Office (USA), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Internal Revenue Service-Criminal Division (IRS-CD), Police Department of Puerto Rico (PPR), Puerto Rico Ports Authority (PRPA), Treasury Department of Puerto Rico (Hacienda), Department of Justice of Puerto Rico (DOJ), Office of Special Investigations (NIE), and other local authorities.
ESC Group Inc.
M: 787-379-0837 & 787-379-6110
Ismael Colón Márquez
Security Advisor
Retired FBI agent with 25 years of complex criminal and international terrorism investigations as well as crisis contingencies and emergency management. As the FBI Miami’s Rapid Deployment Team (RDT) Coordinator, Colon Marquez was responsible for the readiness of a 160-member deployment team comprised of SWAT, Investigators, Analysts, HAZMAT, Bomb Technicians and other specialties. The team could be deployed within 8 hours of notification to any worldwide location in the event of a major terrorist crisis. Colon-Marquez deployed extensively throughout the world and coordinated investigative activity with foreign and US government military, law enforcement, intelligence services and private sector. Extensive knowledge of crisis management and response, contingency planning and working overseas in a U.S. Embassy environment. Lead FBI Miami planner for the counter terrorism investigative response for the 2014 World Cup and 2016 Summer Olympics special events.
Currently, Colon-Marquez is also a Logistics Specialist for the Miami Fire Rescue’s Urban Search and Rescue Team, a FEMA funded national rescue team, where he is the Air Mobility Coordinator. In this position, Colon-Marquez is responsible for the team’s readiness for transport via U.S. military aircraft to any emergency crisis in both the United States or abroad.

Valerie Reyes Biscaino
Communications & Media Advisor
Valerie Reyes Biscaino, has a BA in Commercial Advertising and began working as a communication specialist and publicist in 2005. In 2010, Reyes Biscaino opened her own consulting firm specializing in crisis management and media relations. Unike Public Relations was appointed as El San Juan Hotel & Casino, WAPA TV and Dish Puerto Rico, Public Relations and Advertising Consultant. On 2011 Reyes Biscaino opened her second and third company Unike Events and Unike Transportation, Inc. In addition to her work as a communications advisor, Ms. Reyes also worked as a Special Events consultant and has provided strategic advice on a variety of corporate communications issues. She has assisted leading companies such as Dish Puerto Rico, Uno Radio Group, WAPA TV, Liberty Cablevision of Puerto Rico among others.
Wilfredo Rondón Ramírez
Security Advisor
Wilfredo Rondon Ramírez, MBA / GM, has a BA in Criminal Justice with a concentration in Criminal Investigation, and a Masters in Business Administration, with a concentration in Global Business. He also has experience in banking security, electronic security equipment, is certified by the International Bodyguard Association and Strategic Protection Academy, and specializes in personal and executive protection. He has served as Director of Security of a recognized university in Puerto Rico, in charge of the managing and security of 18,000 students and staff in a 55,000 square campus.

Ralph Otero Rivera
Security Advisor
Dr. Ralph Otero Rivera, CPP, CFE, has a Bachelor of Science (BS) in Criminology from the Central University of Texas, a Master of Criminal Justice (MA) from the Interamerican University of Puerto Rico / Metropolitan Campus; A Certified Professional of Graduate Studies in Forensic Science from the University of Turabo - Ana G. Méndez University System, and a Doctorate of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Behavioral Sciences from the University of Madrid, Spain, European Union. He has worked as a practitioner, consultant, private investigator, guest speaker and educator in academic Safety and Security Management, Loss Prevention and Research in the Caribbean and Latin America. A faculty member at the University of Puerto Rico, Interamerican University of Puerto Rico, Pontifical Catholic University of Puerto Rico, and the Ana G. Méndez University System - SUAGM. Today, with over thirty (30) years of experience, he has served in safety management positions, serving, among others, as Director of Security for the Ports Authority of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and Research Corporate Manager and Homeland Security to AT&T / Caribbean and Latin America offices in Miami, Atlanta, Mexico City and San Juan, PR. Dr. Otero Rivera served as Police in the state of Texas as well as in the United States Army, where he was honorably discharged.
José Luis Rivera
Security Advisor
Colonel José Luis Rivera has a MA in Criminal Justice from the Interamerican University. Mr. Rivera is a law enforcement officer with more than 35 years of experience working as an executive leader, in charge of strategically building a strong police corps and security organizations within the government and the private sectors of Puerto Rico. Colonel Rivera has vast experience in conceptualization, branding and launching highly successful police and security initiatives. He has been successful in the development of programs and activities aimed at the implementation of technology in the analysis and prevention of crime. Colonel Rivera held several key positions within the Police of Puerto Rico throughout his law enforcement career such as: Dean Of The Academy Of Criminal Justice and Police Science, Director Of Criminal Investigations, Director of Forces United of Rapid Action "FURA", Deputy Director, Special Investigations, Puerto Rico Department of Justice, Deputy Superintendent In Criminal Investigations, Deputy Superintendent In Administration and Associate Superintendent of the police of Puerto Rico.

Rafael Escobar Vargas
Security Advisor
Rafael Escobar is a retired Deputy U. S. Marshal with over thirty-five (35) years of combined Federal and local Law Enforcement experience in the Criminal Investigation field. As the Acting Supervisor for the District of Puerto Rico Warrant Squad he was able to equip the personnel attached to the unit with tactical uniforms and other necessary tools and equipment. As the Acting Supervisor for the Puerto Rico Fugitive Task Force (PRFTF) he was the cornerstone in achiving the goal of obtaining additional fundings in order to request and add state and local law enforcement personnel to be part of the Task Force. As the PRFTF Acting Commander he was able to add and upgrade many of the electronic and computer equipment needed daily by the Task Force personnel but also modernized all the obsolete databases been used. In addition, under his leadership, Deputy Escobar worked with state and local authorIties to obtain and gain access to other needed databases to do the job at hand, the capture of state, local and federal fugitives. He also served as a Municipal Police Officer / Seargent for ten (10) years with the Municipality of Ponce, Puerto Rico, when he decided to join the U. S. Marshals Service, he served in various positions of leadership to include the position of sub-director of daily operations. Rafael Escobar is a graduate of the Inter-American University, Ponce Campus, with a Degree in Criminal Justice, specialIzed in Criminal Investigation. He is currently a Licensed Private Investigator (Lic# 13110) authorized by the Puerto Rico Police Department. He is an active member of ASIS, American Society for Industrial Security; NAIS, The National Association of Investigative Specialists; NAFRA, The National Association of Fugitive Recovery Agents; and the Fugitive Recovery Network as well as a graduate of the Strategic Protection Academy specialized in Executive Protection and a Life Member of the United States Marshals Service Association.